
Showing posts from February, 2011

Do we HAVE to make it Facebook official?

We had an interesting topic in my new communication tech. class. The use of Facebook to expose every single detail and activity of each one’s life has become quite disturbing to others. Facebook was created for social purposes (well maybe some would argue that it was mainly for dating purposes of geeky college kids who couldn’t find a date on Friday night). So why then this tech savvy generation would complain about Facebook being stupid. The younger generation’s argument is that now everything has to be Facebook official. They say that this is not acceptable in this human society. What kind of impact does Facebook have on personal relationships? Does this depend on what age range you are in? Jose Rose is a digital creative director of the ad agency Deutsch LA. He wrote an article about his own personal experience with relationships and Facebook.   Here is a touching except from his article: The amount of calming satisfaction it gives me to be able to communicate with him through ...

Twitter is a tool- use it dont fear it

Since 2004 Facebook has become necessity in everyone's life. If you do not have a Facebook, it is considered to be creepy and odd. It has taken everyone by surprise and completely changed the world. But whats happening with Twitter. Until 2008-2009 people did not pay much attention to twitter. Everyone had an account but no one used it. Twitter was launched in 2006 but it did not take the world by storm like Facebook did. People were confused about using twitter. Dickerson says that in his article that people fear twitter. He talks about the fact that its OK to create a new piece with in 140 characters. He says that journalism and print media is becoming smaller, more compact. In the new world, everything is short and sweet. People like to read something with in seconds to understand the whole story and move on with their busy life. The argument is that this loses the value of journalism. But I look at it as adding value. A value that is important to the current world. ...

leadership in the new world?

We had a very enlightening discussion in my New Comm Tech class. My professor said " could it be that people are now following each other and not a leader?" Look at whats happening in Egypt and the middle eastern countries. Look at how people have come together with out just one leader to change the structure. These people are standing up to some one who is officially appointed as the "leader" Look at Facebook with more than 500 million active members online and over 700 billion minutes spent a month on the site . People are addicted to following other people, being in a network, becoming a  part of a community. Look at Twitter. Twitter attracts 14 million people in the US alone . Why do people like following others. Why do they think that they can more reliable information from a stranger rather than a news station (well.. hah I guess we all know the answer to that). I think its a matter of choice and trust . People like that fact that they now have the ab...

So its Valentines Day...

Today is the V day.. much awaited by Hallmark and (check out this article about stock worth of some of these  companies )  -  as they have the best growth in net income during this weekend. Yesterday, my friends and I had the conversation of the V day. They all happen to be guys and concluded unanimously that valentines day is "overrated". So I had to research to see what really people think... Most say it depends on what you want to do. People like the fact that they have an excuse to say "hey sorry I'm not coming to the meeting tonight, its valentines day and I'm going out with my wife" or better yet "hey honey, its valentines day could you please get that toilet fixed!" (this is actually a true story- ) You know what I think? I think that if you want to stay home with your friends and watch a movie that's still cool. If you want to just give a flower that yo...


This was something that I had written in 2008. It was one of those blue days when I was feeling poopy. Yesterday when I went home I wanted to go through my facebook to see what I had (yea its a mess). I found this and thought it relates to what I am feeling now (well to a certain extent, there is actually an old boyfriend in there somewhere too...) Thought I should share it with everyone. Click Everything just stops in the moment. Assignments, exams, speeches and homework. I wonder; have I been making the right choices? Maybe I should have just stayed undecided. Sometimes I wonder if I have scarified enough I wonder how much I can hold on; be tough. At times I feel my heart being torn apart Deep within where no one is supposed to harm. How much I sometimes miss those moments, Of being together; caring, sharing our desires. Those days when things were not so complicated, Maybe made me take things for granted. Why is making the right choice so difficult? Why is it...

the perfect world..

A friend of mine and I were discussing one night about how nice it would be to be living in a perfect world. If we had the choice of choosing what we want to be surrounded with, if we can choose to only interact with the people who we want to interact with things would be simple. Wait, would it? Would it make life simpler and less stressful, if we all could choose the elements that we had to deals with. If we could just choose the things that make us happy in life, dream career with a beautiful house, the perfect family, perfect grades, perfect weather, roads with no traffic, no bills, no disasters, no pleasing people, no responsibilities..... a perfect life. Would one be happy with that perfect life. My friend said "people are frustrated not because of the cause of the situation, but because they don't know the ending of the situation. Why do you think people like movies? Because they know there is an ending: good or bad. All they want is an ending" Maybe that...