Technology is making histroy- Clay Shirky

All media is digitized and becomes one cumulated place of media channels. This is very interesting as we would have the option of choosing any media they want as it is all next to each other. This will change the way of living of people. Citizen Journalism will let people have a voice, a real voice that will make a difference. The fact that China had to learn from its people about the earth quake that was happening in its own land is simply fascinating.
But people are skeptical about being connected 24/7. As an example what about what’s happening in Egypt. People started protesting about expensive cost of living and corruption in governmental organizations. The protests have become so violent and so out of control. The government has decided to block both Facebook and Twitter in Egypt. This a way of reducing what goes out in to the international community about what’s happening in Egypt. But the most fascinating fact is that the organizers of the protest used social media to organize these massive numbers of people.
The fact that Obama now replies to people and their opinion directly to them actually verifies the power of being connected.
My concern is this. This connection is growing, and its growing fast. As much as the advantage of being connected to the world in ways that you can never imagine is good, one could think of million ways of destroying this connection too. The fact that information is right by your finger tips, makes it easy for people to want more power. Knowledge=power.
Maybe I should look at the glass been half full, than half empty. Let’s just keep hoping for the best and not the worst.


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