Who decides "Ugly"?
So my friends have very different ideas and views on many different things of life. I think its mainly because we are all from different countries and by coming here to the US we have different ways of thinking that are influenced by both the Western culture and our own. This past weekend we were having a very interesting and loud discussion/argument at a very public place (for those of you who know us, this is normal :D) This was the topic Who decides if someone is ugly? Is there a standard for being ugly- Now because I was a part of this conversation and had very strong opinions about the side that I was supporting, this blog is going to be a little biased. But I will try my best to stay neutral when presenting both arguments- This is what the guys were saying- It is true that everyone has a perception of beauty- but if you show a picture of a pretty girl and a really ugly girl to 100 guys it is a guarantee that at least 98% of the guys will agree on the same dec...
watch his RailsConf 2010 keynote if you haven't already. it's an hour long, but really good.